Hear me out: most modern movies starring The Rock would be better if another actor had been cast in place of The Rock. Red One is one of his better recent films but I defy anyone to tell me it wouldn’t have been a better movie with, say John Cena. But he’s fine. The worst thing about this movie is Chris Evans, who’s badly miscast, seems to be phoning it in, and isn’t really necessary for the film – I’d have preferred it if he and his son had been cut from the movie entirely. All that said, I liked it a lot! I don’t know why so many people have been down on it – yeah it’s a bit too long, the tone is a bit uneven, the script has a bit of flab in it (I still have no idea what purpose the fight with the snowmen on the beach served in the story) but it was mostly fun and, much like Spirited, avoids feeling like the soulless corporate cash it is.