I wasn’t prepared – you are not prepared – for how much a British version of a Hallmark Christmas movie feels like the invasion of the body snatchers. I know everyone on Threads and Bluesky thinks this is in so-bad-it’s-good territory, but it’s not, it’s skin-crawlingly awful. Disconcertingly, the camerawork is all documentary style, with the camera panning between actors and often in extreme closeup for no discernible reason. And the plot, which revolves around a brooding widowed-dad artist standing in the way of a company which wants to strip mine Knaresborough, is raving nonsense even by cheap Christmas movie standards. Jesus fucking Christ. The best I can say is that both of the leads are pretty good, but most of their scenes together feel like they were spliced in from a different, much better movie. [Gabi’s take: “it’s insultingly bad. My life is diminished for having seen it.”]
Naughty List
Rank 117
A Very British Christmas
Added 25 December 2024