An actor is in the running for a role as a small-town shopkeeper, but has only ever lived in the big city. A fashion designer is meant to take her architect boyfriend home to her family in a small town for Christmas, but they break up. So the actor agrees to come home with her and pretend to be the boyfriend so that he can research the role and she can save face in front of her family. But, in a plot twist, he’s Jewish and knows nothing about Christmas. Cue hijinks. Surprisingly, not antisemitic. Also Bruce Boxleitner (of Babylon 5 and Tron fame) is the dad – presumably his grandchildren needed shoes. Questionable choices abound. For a fashion designer everything she makes look awful. If it’s on TV and you don’t feel like changing the channel, you could do worse.
Rank 84
Holiday Date
Added 21 November 2022