So this is Listmas

Matthew's Definitive Ranking of Christmas Movies

Rank 48

The Simpsons in O C’mon All Ye Faithful

Added 25 December 2024

Were you expecting The Simpsons to do a Derren Brown spoof for a Christmas special, guest starring Derren Brown? In 2024? Me neither. Is Derren Brown still a thing? Unclear. But hey-ho, here we are. Derren Brown films a special in Springfield and hypnotises Homer, causing a twisted Christmas spirit to break out, and Ned Flanders to abandon his faith in God. By modern Simpsons standards this is good! Damning with faint praise that may be, but there are times when this is genuinely funny and unlike The Simpsons Meet The Boccellis in Feliz Navidad this didn’t make me want to peel off my own skin.